【单选题】We thank you for your e-mail of November 25( )your purchase of 10 M/T wild rice.
【简答题】All foreign visitors are requested to _____ with theregulations in this area. A. agree B. comply C.consent D. conform.
【单选题】Animals that could not_________ themselves to the changed environment perished and those that could survived.
【简答题】双命名法是由瑞典植物学家林萘所创,其命名法第一个词是______名,第二个词是______,第三个词是______的缩写,稻的学名为Oryza sativa L.,其中为Oryza为______,sativa为______,L为______。
【单选题】一质点沿 x 轴运动,加速度与位置的关系为 (SI 单位 ). 已知质点在 x = 0 处的速度为 2m/s ,则质点在 x = 3m 处的速度为