【单选题】Power windows can be raised and lowered at the touch of a button rather than the traditional handle _____ has to be turned manually for raising and lowering car windows.
【单选题】在爱情三角形理论中,( )指维持关系的决定期许或担保,是指愿意爱对方,并且保持关系,长相思守的决策。
【单选题】Power windows_____ can be raised and lowered at the touch of a button rather than the traditional handle s_____ has to be turned manually for raising and lowering car windows.
【单选题】本节主要讲述 禾本科、莎草科、百合科和兰科 植物的 识别特征、种类与分布和常见属种及经济价值。
【单选题】______which can be raised and lowered at the touch of a button rather than the traditional handle which has to be turned manually for raising and lowering car windows.