【单选题】We shouldn't watch _____ films and we shouldn't watch _____ TV either. [ ]
【多选题】下列需要代收、代扣代缴城市维护建设税的有( )。
【单选题】Peter can't speak Chinese and can't write it, _____So Chinese is Greek to him.
【单选题】Peter can't speak Chinese and can't write it, _____. So Chinese is Greek to him.A.tooB.alsoC.neit
7. Peter can't speak Chinese and can't write it, _____. So Chinese is Greek to him. A.too
【单选题】助理工程师在取得现从事职业(工种)高级工1年后,可申报技师考评的条件是( )。
【单选题】助理工程师在取得现从事职业(工种)高级工( )年后,其累计工作年限达到技师申报条件的,可申报技师考评。