【判断题】The usage of tones of Yue is greatly different from that of Mandarin.
【判断题】Same words expressed in different tones can have completely different meanings and moods.
【简答题】How are the tones of the author different in the two parts of the text?
【单选题】患者,女性,26岁。因反复呕吐胃内容物约1000ml入院,护士为其作出了“有体液不足的危险 与反复大量呕吐有关”的护理诊断,请问该护理诊断属于的类型是
【单选题】眩晕日久不愈,精神萎靡,腰酸膝软,少寐多梦,健忘,两目干涩,视力减退,五心烦热,舌红少苔,脉细数,其辨证为( )
【简答题】Music is different from songs. Songs express feelings with lyrics(歌词), but music with tones (音调).Unlike songs, music tones in themselves have no specific meanings. Different people may get different t...