称取25mg的蛋白酶粉配制成25ml酶液,从中取出0.1ml,以酪蛋白 为底物用Folin-酚比色法测定酶活力,结果表明每小时 产生1500μg酪氨酸。另取2ml酶液,用凯氏定氮法测得蛋白氮为0.2mg。若以每分钟产生1μg酪氨酸的量为1个活力单位计算,根据以上数据,求:A、1ml酶液中蛋白的含量及活力单位。 B .1g酶制剂的总蛋白含量及总活力。 C . 酶比活力
【单选题】Monetary policy in the US is operated by the Federal Open Market Committee. Which entity is responsible for making day-to-day transactions on its behalf?______.
【单选题】Much of the language used to describe monetary policy, such as 'steering the economy to a soft landing' or 'a touch on the brakes', makes it sound like a precise science. Nothing could be further from...
there is a definite relationship between inflation and interest rates
economy will always follow certain models
the economic situation is better than expected
economists had foreseen the present economic situation