【单选题】《祭侄文稿》 是 唐代书法家颜真卿 为在安史之乱中以身殉国的侄子写的悼文 (上图) 。 这 是一篇字字血泪,激情汹涌,忠肝义胆,气贯长虹的英雄史诗! 为中华民族团结统一、自强不息的奋斗精神书写英雄赞歌;也为中国书法写下至刚至烈的不朽篇章。今天,我们欣赏这篇作品仍能感受到它 1作为巨大的物质力量,激发了人们的爱国主义情感 2彰显时代精神,是中华民族生存发展的精神支柱 3蕴含着深厚的家国情怀,滋养着人...
【单选题】根据以下资料,回答: 6~10齐鲁大地,是中华五千年文明的摇篮之一。 自然景观,吸纳、荟萃了中华锦绣山川的钟灵毓秀;人文景观,集中了中 华文化的经典之作。五岳之首泰山和东方文明鼻祖孔子故里曲阜,成为中华民族传统的独特见证。这里还养育了一大批历史 文化名人,如孔子、孟子、孙子、扁鹊、王羲之、李清照…… 近年来,山东旅游业取得了突破性发展,主要指标开始进入全国前列,旅游开发卓有成效,旅游产品丰富多彩,...
【单选题】From this perspective , sleeping until noon on Saturday is not enough to pay back the ten lost hours as well as meet your nightly requirement of eight.
【单选题】Jen offers to sell Bob her laptop computer for $500. Bob is not sure he can afford it and asks Jen if she will keep the offer open until noon. The next day. Jen tells Bob that she will keep her offer ...
Yes, because Jen gave Bob her word to keep the offer open
Yes, because there is a valid option contract in place
No, because Bob did not buy the computer
No, because Bob did not give valid consideration to create an option contract
【单选题】保理商帮助卖方调查买方资信,选择赊销客户和设定赊销额度和赊销条件,控制坏账风险的业务模式是( )。
【单选题】据可靠来源,我获悉这家公司经营得非常糟糕。 (a trustworthy source)
I ’ ve heard from a trustworthy source that this company is doing very badly.
I ’ ve heard from a trustworthy source that this company is doing very bad.
I ’ ve heard of a trustworthy source that this company is doing very badly.