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2013-06-section A.mp3: 11. A) Why his phone had been disconnected. B) Why she could not get through to him. C) Why he didn't leave her a message. D) Why he refused to answer her call. 12. A) The houses within his price range aresold out. B) Most people in this city want to own ahome. C) He has difficulty finding affordablehousing. D) The woman should rent a nicer apartment. 13. A) The woman would like the man to takecare of her mail. B) The woman has put the number intoeveryone's mailbox. C) The new copy machine can meet everyone'sneeds. D) A code number is necessary to run thecopy machine. 14. A) He will stop work to take care of thebaby. B) He will find a job near his home nextyear. C) His wife is going to give birth to a baby. D) His wife will leave her work soon. 15. A) The shopping center is flooded withpeople. B) They will come to the mall some otherday. C) Parking in this city is a horriblenightmare. D) She will wait for the man at the southgate. 16. A) He will be back in a minute to repairthe computers. B) It will take longer to reconnect thecomputers to the Net. C) He has tackled more complicated problemsthan this. D) A lot of cool stuff will be availableonline tomorrow. 17. A) She forgot to call her mother. B) Prof. Smith gives lectures regularly onTV. C) Her mother is a friend of Prof. Smith's. D) She did see Prof. Smith on TV. 18. A) The man has to wait to get his medicine. B) The store doesn't have the prescribedmedicine. C) The man has to go to see his doctoragain. D) The prescription is not written clearlyenough. Questions 19 to 21 are based on theconversation you have just heard. 19. A) It is advertising electronic products. B) It is planning to tour East Asia. C) It is sponsoring a TV programme. D) It is giving performances in town. 20. A) A lot of good publicity. B) Talented artists to work for it. C) Long-term investments. D) A decrease in production costs. 21. A) Promise long-term cooperation with theCompany. B) Explain frankly their own currentfinancial situation. C) Pay for the printing of the performanceprogramme. D) Bear the cost of publicising theCompany's performance. Questions 22 to 25 are based on theconversation you have just heard. 22. A) He has been seeing doctors andcounsellors. B) He has found a new way to train hisvoice. C) He was caught abusing drugs. D) He might give up concert tours. 23. A) Singers may become addicted to it. B) It helps singers warm themselves up. C) Singers use it to stay away from colds. D) It can do harm to singers' vocal chords. 24. A) They are eager to become famous. B) Many lack professional training. C) Few will become successful. D) They live a glamorous life. 25. A) Harm to singers done by smokyatmospheres. B) Side effects of some common drugs. C) Voice problems among pop singers. D)Hardships experienced by
【简答题】(本小题12分)已知函数 . (1)作出函数 的图像; (2)解不等式 .
【简答题】(本小题满分12分)  已知函数f(x)= (1)作出函数 的图像简图,并指出函数 的单调区间; (2)若f(2-a 2 )>f(a),求实数a的取值范围.
【简答题】一辆挂北京牌照长期在济南使用的奔驰轿车,于冬季某天上午 6 点(天尚未亮)在济南外环路上撞到了快速路中央的金属隔离栏,造成左前照灯、左前侧小灯、前保险杠、左前翼子板、发动机盖、发动机格栅等不同程度受损,初步估损金额为 3 万元以上。 查勘人员现场询问事故发生时的行车速度,驾驶员声称有 40-50km/h ,但现场查勘结果证实碰撞痕迹并不严重,很像是汽车在不足 5km/h 的情况下发生的碰撞。再仔细...
【简答题】汽车前照灯可分为 ________ 式前照灯、 _________ 式前照灯、 _________ 式前照灯、 _________ 式前照灯及氙灯。
【简答题】一辆挂北京牌照长期在济南使用的奔驰轿车,于冬季某天上午 6 点(天尚未亮)在济南外环路上撞到了快速路中央的金属隔离栏,造成左前照灯、左前侧小灯、前保险杠、左前翼子板、发动机盖、发动机格栅等不同程度受损,初步估损金额为 3 万元以上。 查勘人员现场询问事故发生时的行车速度,驾驶员声称有 40-50km/h ,但现场查勘结果证实碰撞痕迹并不严重,很像是汽车在不足 5km/h 的情况下发生的碰撞。再仔细...
【判断题】福建全省河流都发源于境内。( )
【简答题】图为一车型的灯光电路图。汽车电源电压为12V。EL1、EL3为 前照灯,采用双灯丝车灯,近光灯电阻为4Ω,远光灯电阻为2Ω 。EL2、EL4为远光指示灯,电阻为40Ω。继电器线圈电阻为80Ω。(共6分) 第57题图 (1)远光灯点亮时,灯光开关应 ;(1分)变光控制开关至 端;(1分)此时通过工作电路的总电流为 。(2分) (2)若将该车的变光控制开关拨至A端,EL1、EL3能够正常点亮,将该车的...
【简答题】一辆挂北京牌照长期在济南使用的奔驰轿车,于冬季某天上午 6 点(天尚未亮)在济南外环路上撞到了快速路中央的金属隔离栏,造成左前照灯、左前侧小灯、前保险杠、左前翼子板、发动机盖、发动机格栅等不同程度受损,初步估损金额为 3 万元以上。 查勘人员现场询问事故发生时的行车速度,驾驶员声称有 40-50km/h ,但现场查勘结果证实碰撞痕迹并不严重,很像是汽车在不足 5km/h 的情况下发生的碰撞。再仔细...
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