【单选题】Shakespeare is difficult to understand than contemporary writings because many of his words were used in different ______ from what they have now in dictionaries.
【单选题】Until the ninth century, written words were not actually separated, ____________in some literary writing, dots or points were used to indicate divisions.
【单选题】下列实验的解释或结论不正确的是( ) 选项 实验 解释或结论 A 用激光笔照射水玻璃溶液,有丁达尔现象 SiO 3 2- 水解生成硅酸胶体 B 在新制的氯水中加入碳酸钙粉末,充分搅拌 氯水中HClO的物质的量增加 C 向包有Na 2 O 2 的脱脂棉滴少量水,脱脂棉燃烧 Na 2 O 2 与H 2 O反应放热并有O 2 生成 D 向某溶液中加入稀盐酸,再加入硝酸钡溶液生 成白色沉淀 原溶液中一定...
【多选题】下列实验的解释或结论不正确的是 选项 实验 解释或结论
用激光笔照射水玻璃溶液,有丁达尔现象 SiO 3 2 - 水解生成硅酸胶体
在新制的氯水中加入碳酸钙粉末,充分搅拌 氯水中HClO的物质的量增加
向包有Na 2 O 2 的脱脂棉滴少量水,脱脂棉燃烧 Na 2 O 2 与H 2 O反应放热并有O 2 生成
向某溶液中加入稀盐酸,再加入硝酸钡溶液生 成白色沉淀 原溶液中一定存在SO 4 2-
【单选题】Language & Personality If you overheard a conversation on a bus, do you think you could tell, from the words that were used and the topics discussed, the personality of the people who were chatting? W...
【单选题】Language & Personality If you overheard a conversation on a bus, do you think you could tell, from the words that were used and the topics discussed, the personality of the people who were chatting? W...
【简答题】微波炉是一种清洁卫生无污染,效率较高的家用电器.某微波炉的铭牌如下表所示.将体积为275ml、初温是20℃的水放入该微波炉中用最大功率加热1min,取出后测得水温是40℃.若水的比热容为4.2×10 3 J/(kg?℃).求: 防触电保护类型I类 额定容积20L 型号NN-S313WF 电源频率50Hz 额定电压220V 质量12kg 最大功率1100W (1)微波炉加热时,电路中的电流是多少? ...
【单选题】Words were used _____ in some parts of this essay.
【简答题】家用微波炉的微波频率为 _______兆赫,它利用快速变化的 _______ 使食物中有机 分子产生 _______。在此过程中,分子间互相碰撞、摩擦,短时间内产生很大热量