【简答题】中国证券业协会正式成立于( ),是依法注册的具有独立法人地位的、由经营证券业务的金融机构自愿组成的行业性自律组织。
【单选题】听力原文: President George Bush says he wants to shift the debate about global warming away from cutting greenhouse gas emissions, the focus of the Kyoto Protocol, and towards development of new technolog...
【单选题】下列各组原子核的核磁矩为零,不产生核磁共振信号的是( )。 A . B . C . D .
【单选题】下列各组原子核的核磁矩为零,不产生核磁共振信号的是( )。
【单选题】下列各组原子核的核磁矩都为零,不产生核磁共振信号的是( )。
【单选题】George says ______ he will go to the airport by taxi.
【单选题】听力原文: US President George W. Bush says be recognizes human beings contribute to global climate change but he remains unyielding in his opposition to the Kyoto Accord on the issue. Bush made the remark...
To call on more effort to reduce human beings' contribution to global climate change.
To include more developing countries into the Accord
To continue to oppose to the Accord
To sign the treaty to cut emissions of carbon dioxide.
【单选题】下面关于证券业协会的表述正确的有( )。①中国证券业协会正式成立于1991年8月28日②具有独立法人地位、由经营证券业务的证券公司自愿组成③是非营利性社会团体法人,是证券业的自律组织④采取会员制的组织形式,证券公司应当加入中国证券业协会⑤中国证券业协会章程由会员大会制定,并报中国证监会备案