文化积累——下列对《子》的表述,错误的一项是 ( ) A .《子》是现代作家的代表作,也是他最喜爱的作品之一。 B .小说描写了一个普通人力车夫的一生,反应了一个有良知的作家对底层劳动人民生存状况的关注和同情。 C .在当时的社会条件下,祥子的希望一次又一次地破灭,他与命运的抗争最终以勉强成功告终。 D .小说还描写了祥子周围的人物,展示了一幅具有老北京风情的世态图。
【简答题】Dimension Ltd is a software company providing e-commerce solutions to business. It was incorporated on 1 April 20X8 and revenue has doubled each year. Rapid expansion is expected to continue for the n...
【简答题】Animation is the rapid (1) of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model (2) in order to create an illusion of movement. The (3) is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of (4) ...