【单选题】We will focus on their practical training in local communities, in work on the frontline, and in areas where conditions are harsh, and work to produce a constant stream of outstanding young officials ...
We will focus on their practical training in local communities.
We will focus on their practical training, and work to produce a constant stream of outstanding young officials.
We will focus on their practical training .
【简答题】初唐四杰是指 、 、 、 。他们在继承了南朝诗歌形式美的基础上,以都市的繁华和正常的男女之爱为题材和主题,由台阁应制扩大到写( )和( ),风格由纤柔卑弱变为( )。
【单选题】在数列{a n }中,a n =1- + - +…+ - ,则a k +1 等于( )
【简答题】a k - a k × 1 8 =( a k - a k )× 1 8 =九______.
【简答题】初唐四杰是指 、 、 、 。他们在继承了南朝诗歌形式美的基础上,以都市的繁华和正常的男女之爱为题材和主题,由台阁应制扩大到写 和边塞之情,风格由纤柔卑弱变为明快清新。