【判断题】38 对二进位信息进行逻辑运算是按位独立进行的,位与位之间不发生关系。
【简答题】A.He prefers staying at home because he doesn't like to travel. B.He prefers taking a bus because the plane makes him nervous. C.He prefers taking a plane because the bus is too slow. D.He prefers tra...
【单选题】He prefers playing basketball, she prefers playing computer games.
【简答题】A.He disagrees with the woman. B.He prefers not to argue about it. C.He shares the woman's opinion. D.He wasn't able to live in the hotel.
【多选题】文献是记录有知识的一切载体,该定义说明文献具有以下( )、记录性、( )三个基本属性。