I. Choose the best answer to each of the fo l l o wing questions according to what is stated or implied in the text. 1. Why couldn ’ t the Olympic metaphor be ap pl i ed to world t rade? A. Because world trade is to tall y dif fe re nt from the Olympic Games. B. Because the amount of wealth in the world is fixed and one country w ill be better off thr o ugh tra de while the other will be po o rer . C . Because world trade can be win-win while the Olympic Games are win-lose. D. Because world trade is much more complicated than the Olympic Games. 2. In the sentence “ Was it because they lost World War II and could start from s cra t c h with all the newest t echnologies? ” , the underlined part means “ ___________ ” . A. study carefully B. do research on C. discover accidentally D. develop from the very beginning 3. In Dave ’ s opinion, what was the secret of Japanese s u cc es s between 1960 and the beginning of the 1990s? A. Japan lost World War II and could start from scratch with all the newest technologies. B. Japan had a government agency called MITI which helped establish a unique partnership between Japanese industry and its government. C . Japan got economic assistance from America after World War II. D.Japan used its resources wisely and gave its people the incentive to work hard, to innovate, and to take risks. 4. Which one would NOT be the result of America ’ s import of Japanese te levisions? A. The living standard of Americans would be lowered. B. Americans would get less expensive televisions, C . Americans would be f r eed to gain more val u a b le op p or tunities. D. More American y oungsters would f ocus on j obs in more p r of i tabl e i n du st ries . 5. What is Dave ’ s purpose in comparing Americans losing jobs after the imp o r t of Japanese televisions with doctors losing jobs after the disappearance of all disease? A. To suggest that maybe one day America will lose all those high-paying doctor and health care jobs. B. To show tha t American lo sing the jobs of pr o ducing, televisions is the same as doctors losing their jobs. C. To just ify t hat lo s ing the j obs of pro d ucing tel e vis ions can also make America better off. D. To s t r es s t h e im p or ta nc e of i m p o r t ing che a per tel e vi sions from Japan to make Japan better off .