【简答题】In some western countries, it is believed that a person is in great er of illness when he sneezes (打喷嚏). Therefore, people will express wishes when they hear others sneeze. The person who sneezed ...
【单选题】By the 1820's in the United States, when steamboats were common on western waters, these boats were mostly powered by engines built in the West (Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, or Louisville), and of a distin...
【单选题】患儿.5岁。因发热3周,双膝关节痛2周人院。查体:体温38"C,脉搏101次/分,咽稍充血,心肺(一),双膝关节红、肿,活动受限。实验室检查示:血沉98mm/小时,C反代应蛋白阳性,心电图示 P-R间期延长。为确诊需化验的指标是
【单选题】算法 的三大控制结构 的共同特点是【 】。