【简答题】下列各句均有一处错误,在错处下面划线,并改正。 1. Excuse me, Miss Green. Can I ask you any questions? 2. Do you think Mary have a TV? 3. Can Li Lei play the tennis? 4. The boys play football on every Monday afternoon. 5. Do...
【简答题】These days more and more people are 1.________(rent / renting) homes. There are many places where you can find a rental home. You can look on rental 2.________(websites / apartments). You can also ask...
【单选题】下列各项中,分析不正确的一项是( ) A. “对潇潇暮雨洒江天,一番洗清秋。”这句写的是登临纵目、望极天涯的境界。 B. “是处红衰翠减,苒苒物华休。”这句词意由前面的细致沉思转入这里的苍莽悲壮,由仰望转至俯察,以“物华休”隐喻青春年华的消逝。 C. 下片 “不忍登高临远”中的“不忍”二字反映了词人深沉的痛苦。 D. 一个 “叹”字所传出的是千思百回的思绪和回顾茫然的神态,准确而又传神。
【简答题】二、选词填空5题。 without difficulty keep on confidence graduate 1. Those who _____ from famous universities can get a good job easily. 2. No smoke ____ fire. 3.As you can see, the number of cars ...